July 8th Statement

Today, we saw it loud and clear, that the attack on LGBTQ+ activists and Pride Fest was a well-planned operation orchestrated jointly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and “Alt-Info '' against human rights and democracy.

The police financed with the taxes we pay, who were “protecting” the festival territory, were assuring us that the far-right groups would not even come close to the site. Nevertheless, video footages spread across media and social media channels show how the police and the violent groups proceed to the festival area in an unhindered and agreed manner.

Alt-info members surrounded us, and the police, instead of dispersing them, compelled us to leave the area with a transport that had been prepared previously.

The statement made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs made it clear that the MIA regards this shameful “evacuation” as a victory. In fact, this was a pre-arranged step and a proof of their inaction.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Deputy Minister thereof, Aleksandre Darakhvelidze, have been giving us protection guarantees for weeks preceding the festival and even on the festival day. Instead, the police allowed Alt-Info members to trespass into private and enclosed festival territory, to attack peaceful citizens, and to inflict irreparable emotional trauma on them.

The police did not close down the route leading to the festival site in order to prevent violent groups from reaching the area; The police did not use proportional force and measures against the attackers.

The government did not arrest the organizers of the violence that unfolded on July 5;
The government did not arrest the organizers of July 5 attacks even when they announced July 8 violence;
The government incited and supported violence.

This was an organized attack by the Georgian government and the Putinist violent group on democracy, human rights and innocent people who wanted to enjoy the fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution.

We hope that everyone, for whom violence is unacceptable and who wants to see Georgia advancing on its democratic and European path, will condemn the events that unfolded today and will express solidarity.

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